10 Fun Activities for Kids During a Power Outage

This post is sponsored by Cox Communications, but all opinions expressed in this article are my own. More information on their tv and internet services can be found here.
When I think of a power outage I think of candlelit board games and story time in front of the fireplace. Power outages meant a lot of quality family time. Since we weren’t able to talk on the phone, browse the web or watch TV this left more time to get creative! Growing up in California power outages were a common occurrence, but this year they may be a planned necessity. Many Californians have experienced hazy skies and smoky air as fires blaze across our state. I live in a high fire neighborhood so became interested in how to be prepared for fire season. As I began reading I quickly learned about Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) events. When potentially dangerous weather conditions occur it can create an elevated risk for wildfires in high fire zones. That’s why Southern California Edison is starting to implement PSPS events.
During an event California power utilities may temporarily shut down electricity in high fire risk neighborhoods. A PSPS helps prevent electric systems from being an ignition source in high risk communities. There are a few things you can do to prepare for a PSPS, keep the kids entertained and maintain your sanity!
How California utility companies prepare for a PSPS event
Before a PSPS event utility companies predict the likelihood of a wildfire occurring using historical data, assess how it may impact affected areas, monitor weather alerts, and place responders on call! If your neighborhood is included in a power shut off you will usually be notified prior to the outage. Power will be restored when the weather conditions improve and power lines are inspected for safety! You can find more information on PSPS events here.
Steps to prepare for a PSPS event
Start by making a shopping list. Stock up on batteries, flashlights, lanterns, and candles (flameless candles for added safety!) Grab a deck of cards, a board game or two, pencils, paper, and canned goods. This is a great charging station to have on hand so you can charge your devices even when the power is shut off.
If you’re included in a PSPS event, it could last a few hours or a few days. Here are some fun activities to keep the family entertained during power shutoffs.
Ten power outage activities to keep kids entertained!
Have a family game night
Have a fun family game night with candles, board games, and take-out! Candy Land is always a hit in our house. Olive also enjoys this board game specifically for toddlers!
Camp in the backyard
What better activity to do then one you absolutely don’t need power for. Grab your tents, flashlights, and sleeping bags! Head outside for some backyard camping. Have a gas BBQ? Enjoy dinner outdoors under the stars.
Watch a movie (Yes, even without electricity!)
No electricity means your internet and tv services will also be interrupted. I’m a Cox Communications customer and learned that Cox TV service can be used with the Cox Contour app on my phone or tablet anywhere, anytime! I can download a few shows or movies on the app so they are ready-to-go when I can’t connect to wifi. This means we can sit down for a family movie night even during a power outage! For information on how a PSPS could affect your Cox services, visit http://www.cox.com/
Build an indoor fort!
Kids love forts! They are easy to build and provide hours of fun for children (and adults!) You can use everyday household items like blankets, sheets, pillows, chairs, and curtain rods. Build a frame with rods, chairs, couch pillows, or anything you can think of. Then drap blankets or sheets over the top! Make it cozy with a few blankets, pillows, toys, snacks, and books. The kids can also enjoy a favorite movie or show using the Cox Contour app.
Get outside
If there are no active fires and weather conditions are safe, take some time to get outside! Go on a hike, take a bike ride, make a treasure hunt in the backyard, or take a drive to explore your community.
Have fun with animal shadow puppets
This is an activity I do with my daughter almost every night, but would be perfect when the powers out. Make a bed on the ground (or fort!) and grab a flashlight. Point it at the ceiling and get creative with these animal shadow hand puppets your kids are sure to love.
Teach ABC’s and 123’s
Why not take some of this time at home to practice educational basics. My daughter loves this magnetic alphabet for the fridge and these educational flashcards that demonstrate colors, shapes, and numbers. We also have an early learning activity book that demonstrates spelling, math, and other creative exercises in a workbook with a dry erase marker! You can also snuggle up with a stack of books and warm drink. Along with flameless candles or flashlights, of course.
Learn new skills
This is the perfect time to sit down with your kids and teach them fun skills! How to blow a bubble, shuffle cards, skip rocks and more!
Make playdough
Making playdough is a fun hands-on activity my daughter loves. We make an easy 3 ingredient play dough that keeps in the fridge for up to a month! Use plant-based food coloring to make all the colors of the rainbow.
Eat all the snacks
If the power is out for a few days you will likely be eating a lot of canned good and take-out. Depending on how long the electricity is out the food in the fridge may go bad. Might as well spend some time in the kitchen using up what you have. Try making cute creative snacks with your kids! You can also enjoy bake-free treats, like these coconut peanut butter bites. Find out how long the food in your fridge can last at the National Center for Home Food Preservation.
If you find yourself in a PSPS event I hope you and your kids enjoy these activities while staying safe! You can find more information on PSPS events here. Access this interactive map to search impacted areas and other community resource centers.