Halfway around the sun with this little one! July 2018 marks 6 months since our sweet Olive Aurora was born. I still can’t believe it’s been half a year. The last 6 months with her have been some of the most life-changing and happiest months of my life.
I would describe being a first-time mom (or a mom with a newborn, period) like an episode of survivor. You’re isolated to your house with someone you just met that you must provide food and shelter for while trying to find resources to take care of yourself…like time for a shower or a decent meal. And trust me, it’s going to get messy. Between baby blowouts and your house being a disaster you are neck deep in dishes, laundry, and poopy diapers. Only in Survivor “Baby Edition” you’re rewarded with unquestioning love, warm snuggles, and the best thing in the world…baby smiles.

As I’m sure most moms and moms-to-be do, I vividly remember the moment I found out I was pregnant. We had just got back to Santa Barbara from a 6 week trip to Australia. While heading to the beach one morning we stopped for a coffee. As a coffee lover and caffeine addict, it wasn’t like me to throw out my americano after only a few sips. I remember thinking how awful it tasted and figured the barista must have burnt the beans or it was a bad batch. When we arrived at the beach I threw it away and went for a jog. As I was running the stairs I became unusually winded half way up followed by nausea. I knew I had enjoyed way too many pies in Australia 🙋🏻♀️ but I definitely wasn’t this out of shape seeing how active I was. I just knew something wasn’t quite right.
Two ➕positive pregnancy tests later I was in overwhelmed, happy, nervous, OMG tears.

They say the moment you have a baby your life changes forever. I say it’s the moment you find out you’re pregnant. From what I chose to eat, products I’d use, to adjustments in my career, everything changed that day. At that moment every decision I made was for our baby. A week later, we confirmed our pregnancy test with an ultrasound and heard Olive’s heartbeat for the first time ❤️ At just over 5 weeks pregnant, she had been with us our entire trip to Australia! We had just moved into a house in Santa Barbara meaning I had 8 months to get settled into our new home and get the house baby ready! 😃

When Olive was born all the cliches you hear about having a baby finally made complete sense. I was overwhelmed by this indescribable love. I immediately fell in love with our sweet baby😍 Bringing Olive home from the hospital was one of the best days of my life. I sharply remember the rush of emotions I had walking out (well, being wheeled out) of the hospital with my 6 pounds 11 ounce mini tightly wrapped in my arms.
Pregnancy and the preparation for Olive was nothing compared to the first months with her. When we brought Olive home after a 46-hour labor (Yes! I’m not kidding😭) and 2 days in the hospital, the first few hours, days, and months with her were equally amazing, exhausting, and terrifying. Even though I read all the books and prepared for months – nothing really prepares you to be a new parent like actually gaining a new tiny roommate.

We were prepared and excited with the knowledge that newborns required around-the-clock love and care, but it’s not until you’re really in it that you know exactly what that entails. And it’s really, really hard. The first 3 months really are “the fourth trimester.” I had a kind of euphoria the first week or so after she was born before the realization of what my body went through and that I was running on empty set in. To top it off I had this little human that needed my undivided attention. The first 3 months were essentially consumed with snuggles, skin-to-skin contact, breastfeeding challenges, diaper changes, self-doubt 🤭and sleep deprivation…lots of sleep deprivation. All while still trying to heal and recover from labor on limited sleep. Hands down those first 3 months we’re some of the hardest months of my life. Even harder than my 46-hour labor. But equally some of the best months of my life. No matter how prepared I was, the first months were an emotional and physical challenge like nothing I had ever experienced. The only thing that gets you through it is the new love of your life looking up at you everyday. And coffee, heaps of coffee.

People keep telling you after the first 3 months things start to click and your routine will develop…but when your baby is 6 weeks old and you haven’t slept more than 3 hours consecutively (if you’re lucky) you can’t imagine this going on until they reach 3 months. But, it does. And by the grace of survival, you make it through it. All the while having the pleasure of watching your incredible baby grow, change, and develop each and every day. Even with the ultimate challenge of being a new parent, getting to know Olive has been the best joy in our life.

In the last two months, she learned to roll over, got two bottom teeth, belly laughed, tried her first solid food, went on her first plane ride, and a road trip. Watching her discover the world and seeing her little face look at us with such genuine excitement and happiness is the best feeling in the world. No matter how hard it gets at times, there is one thing I think all Moms would agree on. You will look at this beautiful baby every day in disbelief that you created such a sweet little soul. So we made it. We’re almost 6 months into this parenthood thing… and we wouldn’t have it any other way❤️

Olive’s outfit by Moderntot Co
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