Meaningful Philosophical Quotes That Will Impact Your Life

Every single one of us is striving to better our lives in one way or another. We work through each day with future goals in mind and often revel in our past accomplishments. That’s the thing about life, living a good life starts with our mindset and is dependent on our mindset to flourish. So how do we achieve a positive mindset and make sense of all the choices that make up our life? I’ve always been an overthinker and I seriously question everything. I adore philosophy because it attempts to make sense of all the great questions in life.
Philosophy is derived from the Greek word “philosophia” which means the ‘love of wisdom.’ That’s exactly what philosophers study, the pursuit of wisdom. Originally the ancient Greeks described philosophy as the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake, which compromises all areas of speculative thought.
Philosophy is ultimately the study of knowledge and truth, or ‘thinking about thinking.’ It’s a discipline dedicated to discussing how we should live, what’s right and wrong, our ethics, reasoning, the investigation of nature, and the ultimate nature of our existence.
Philosophy has produced some of the most original thought and made a significant contribution to every major discipline from politics to science. Philosophy is not only the collection of knowledge but rather learning a new way of thinking. A way that analyzes important aspects of our life. Philosophical quotes do a good job of making us step outside our own thoughts and think a little deeper, make realizations, and sometimes even minimize our insecurities. These are a collection of some of my favorite quotes said by famous philosophers that have made an impact on the philosophy community..and just might make an impact on you too.

And one of my absolute favorites….

Share a quote with me in the comments or let me know your favorite from my selection and what it means to you! I’m working on a list of mindblowing quotes that really make you think, can’t wait to share!