10 Simple Ways to Enjoy Summer

Summer brings sunshine, beach days, tropical drinks, and the best excuse to relax. Picture this. You’re laying on a tropical island sipping something with a mini umbrella in it without a care in the world. As a kid summer break meant you had months to play, relax, and do whatever you wanted each and every day. As an adult, ehhh summer has a different story. Life goes on…so you still have to work and ya know, pay bills and stuff. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy summer like a kid. Here are some fun, simple ways to clock out of work and clock into summer ☀️

Although this is a fairly obvious one, it can’t be understated and 100% deserves the #1 spot on this list. There really is no better season to spend time outdoors. Hiking, swimming, biking, surfing, jogging, yoga, BBQs, beach days and more. There are endless activities to clock in some time outside. Even when you’re working, going for a morning walk or lunch break stroll will brighten your summer. Better yet, head to the beach after work for a sunset jog. Studies have shown that just 30 minutes in the sun can boost your mood…so get outside and soak in the sun and fresh air.

Can’t plan a vacation far from home? No problem. There is absolutely no better way to breathe in summer than a little staycation. Search for a destination close by and plan a weekend (or weekday!) getaway. Tropical drinks minus the flight time 🍹

🌴Island time is a term coined to describe the slow and carefree vibe most islanders have. It’s a sense you immediately feel and quickly see around you when you land in Hawaii or other islands. “They say” the ocean, sand, and sun brings about this aura. Don’t worry though, you don’t have to hop on a plane and throw on a flower lay to experience island time. When you’re not working and have free time, conscientiously remember to switch from work/busy mode to vacation mode and take things a bit slower. Don’t get road rage when the car in front you doesn’t go right away at a green light. Don’t sigh and scroll on your phone when you have to wait in line at the juice bar. Don’t be frantic to get to the next place or check off the next thing on your to-do list. Start looking at everything in a different way. The island way. Become more relaxed, patient, and enjoy each moment of your day.

You don’t have to go to the beach every day to enjoy summer. Need to clean the house or get some work done at home? Each day stop and take 30 minutes to do something relaxing and enjoyable that has a summer essence. Sit on your patio and enjoy a glass of rose, turn on some music and BBQ with friends or family for dinner. Create your list of simple pleasures and incorporate them into your every day. Because let’s be honest, some days “30-minute vacations” are all you need.

If you’re planning to travel this summer a good way to really unwind and enjoy your vacation to not over plan. When you visit a new destination it’s easy to want to plan every day out from sunrise to sunset, but sometimes less is more! Try not to cram in multiple activities or squeeze in visiting every attraction in the area. Make sure to schedule some low-key activities and downtime, like simply relaxing at the beach under an umbrella with a book, sitting in the hot tub at the hotel pool, or going for a scenic drive to explore the area.

This one is big. As a kid, I LOVED summer because I didn’t have to get up for school and could sleep in every day. As adults, we don’t always have those opportunities so if you’re overworked, low on sleep, or just a parent who could use a nap 😉 take advantage of opportunities to sleep in or nap. Why not go to bed early a couple nights a week. I promise the dishes will still be there when you wake up.

Want to finish a book, draw, paint, organize, or learn a new language? We all have activities we have “been meaning to do.” Pick a new hobby or visit a place you’ve never been. Dedicating time to these will give you a fresh summer start. For me, it’s shopping for vinyl and writing ☺️

The absolute best way to check out and wind down is to really disconnect. Growing up my family would go camping in Big Sur and there was no wifi or cell reception (or smartphones for that matter 😂) and we would hike, BBQ, read, talk about our dreams, and explore. Getting back to those days it the best. Sometimes when I’m traveling there are multiple days, sometimes weeks, where I can’t get a sim card for my phone or there isn’t wifi where we’re staying. Those are the days I remember best because I’m metaphorically forced to unwind and disconnect. When you don’t have the distractions of your phone, emails, social media, etc you will find you not only plan more activities, but you are also fully immersed in them and those you are enjoying them with.

Summer body? Yes, please! Healthy body? Yass! When I think of summer treats I think of pressed juices, acai bowls, summer salads, and green smoothies. Make it easy for yourself and stock up on fruits, veggies, and healthy snacks. Tip: I buy fruits and veggies and wash them all then chop them up and store in individual glass Tupperware in the fridge, that way I can easily throw together a salad or blend up a smoothie. Having easy access to fresh produce and healthy snacks with give you a no excuses summer policy!